How Is Automated Material Handling Helping Aluminum Extrusion Suppliers?

Posted By: Admin | Date: 25-06-2018

With the increase in demand from customers around the world, the best aluminum extrusion suppliers recognized the need for an enhanced system for handling material. With a variety of product offerings, the solution had to benefit all forms of aluminum extrusions. Thanks to automated material handling, suppliers can fill a customer’s order quicker, which helps both parties.

Undeniable Benefits

Cost reduction is one of the primary benefits, especially when it comes to custom aluminum extrusions. Although reputable aluminum extrusion companies work hard to keep their prices competitive, customers ultimately pay for custom products compared to standard parts and components. With an automated materials handling system (AMHS), these companies can make all their products more cost-efficient.

aluminum extrusion


In addition to maximizing throughput, automated systems help suppliers of extrusion products minimalize manual handling. Following are some examples of how that improves overall operations.

  1. Speeds up processes
  2. Reduces labor and production costs
  3. Dramatically reduces human injury from handling metals
  4. Ensures a shiny and scratch-free aluminum surface

As you can imagine, suppliers of extrusion products rely on a range of different automated handling systems. However, the most trusted companies use machines with high impact resistance, durable construction, high tensile strength, and corrosion resistance. That way, they can streamline processes with confidence.

Aluminum extrusion companies have implemented sophisticated automated material handling systems to ensure they continue providing every customer with stellar service and a superior-quality product. The design of these systems helps optimize supply chain management by using automation and robotics as part of the production cycle.

As an example, instead of humans standing on an assembly line sorting out different extrusion parts and components, the automated system does the work, which significantly improves overall efficiency. Even the quality and accuracy of the end-product improves. Not only does the supplier enjoy cost savings, so does the customer.

The other thing to consider is that because of the rise in popularity of aluminum extruded products, the competition among suppliers and manufacturers is high. When using an automated materials handling system that improves business operations, the supplier’s reputation grows. At the same time, the customer also sees its reputation strengthening as it provides end-customers with higher-quality finished products with a faster turnaround.

Trusting the Right Supplier

At Offshore Direct Metals, we use an automated materials handling system so that our company can better serve our valued customers. To learn more about this or to review all our available products, please visit our website. If preferred, you can call us to speak with a company representative directly about your specific needs.

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