The Importance of Anodizing Custom Aluminum Extrusions
With custom aluminum extrusions, there are many finishes that can be applied during the fabrication process. And while aluminum has a natural ability to prevent corrosion, there are specific finishes that increase corrosion prevention, thus extending the overall product lifetime.
Aluminum extrusion suppliers use anodization because it is one of the more effective ways for engineers and designers to provide further protection for the finished material. The process increases durability and longevity and is also used to aesthetically enhance the product's color and texture.
Because anodizing adds a protective aluminum oxide coating to custom aluminum extrusions, it provides effective protection against long-term weathering. It’s an electro-chemical bonding process that will not flake, peel, or fall off. As such, the process has become one of the more popular product finishes.
Types of Aluminum Anodizing
In general terms, it’s most common to refer to anodizing types as Type I, Type II, and Type III. Type II anodizing is also referred to as "regular" sulfuric anodizing, while Type III is often referred to as “hard-coat” sulfuric anodizing. Type I anodizing uses environmentally unfriendly acid and is therefore rarely specified.
Type II and Type III are both very hard coating finishes. Type III is applied at lower temperatures and is more expensive but somewhat harder than Type II. Type III is thicker than Type II, making it more resistant to heavy wear and tear. A reliable aluminum extrusion supplier will recommend the very best approach.
Wear Resistance
Anodizing improves wear resistance. The oxide layer that is applied to the aluminum surface has a “ceramic property” which provides enhanced wear resistance compared to aluminum that is untreated. Anodizing resists nicks and scratches and increases durability.
Minimized Corrosion
Because the anodizing process provides a thick layer of oxide to the aluminum’s surface area, corrosion resistance is significantly enhanced for all applications. Essentially, the electro-chemical anodizing process does not break down easily and does not corrode in the environment.
Improved Adhesion
Anodized aluminum creates a porous surface which allows glue or primer to have better contact. Simply put, the porous surface allows glue or primer to better embed itself onto the surface itself. This results in a consistent layer of glue or primer that has greater adhesion properties.
Heat Dissipation
Anodizing aluminum will improve heat dissipation. When aluminum is anodized, the surface area is more effective at releasing its heat than unfinished aluminum. Because of the unique dynamics of heat transfer, engineers agree that anodizing dramatically improves heat dissipation.
UV Protection
When used for exterior applications, an anodized coating will provide good stability against ultraviolet rays. Better still, the finished surface will not chip or peel, maintaining its aesthetic appearance long term. Anodizing offers a wide range of consistent gloss and color options.
Deciding if Aluminum Should be Anodized?
Needless to say, choosing to anodize an aluminum extrusion will depend directly on the intended application. With a reputable aluminum extrusion supplier on hand, the benefits and drawbacks of anodizing can be highlighted, and an astute decision can be made.
For corrosion resistance, aesthetic appearance, and adherence to primers or glue, anodizing the aluminum is assuredly the ideal finish. At the same time, the anodizing process may not be the best option when electrical conductivity is required in an application.
Choosing the Right Aluminum Supplier
When it comes to aluminum extrusion suppliers, choosing the right company can make all the difference in the world. At Offshore Direct Metals, an experienced team of aluminum specialists simplifies the aluminum extrusions process from end to end, even with demanding specifications.
OD Metals takes the guesswork out of trying to import aluminum extrusions directly. There are no problematic issues when communicating with distant suppliers. There are no issues about exchange rates or terms. And more than that, scheduling, shipping, and delivery are managed completely.
With OD Metals, aluminum extrusion outsourcing is totally streamlined for every customer. This allows for the cost of supply to be reduced and therefore increased gross profit to be realized. For those customers ordering by the container load, there’s no better option than OD Metals.
Why Work With Offshore Direct Metals?
At Offshore Direct Metals, we combine logistics expertise and product knowledge to satisfy our many customers, each of them having demanding fabrication specifications. Over many years, we have built a reliable network of suppliers committed to meeting our high standards.
We offer our customers a super-efficient global platform with “just-in-time” shipping that provides efficiency and cost-effectiveness from end to end. With our competitive prices, customers can cut their overhead costs across the board and ensure the best possible gross profit on a project.
Unlike other aluminum extrusion suppliers, OD Metals operates a sophisticated “supply and demand” model that is actually cost-saving. Our approach to product sourcing is designed to help customers grow their operation while continuing to do business with OD Metals long term.
Customer service at OD Metals reinforces business relationships so that our partnerships are long-lasting, with measurable benefits throughout the entire supply chain. It pays to inquire about our wide range of aluminum products and how we can help to achieve goals and objectives.
Call us today to learn about our high-quality aluminum extrusions.
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